> On Jan 5, 2016, at 11:44 AM, Owen DeLong <o...@delong.com> wrote: > > I bet if more people moved to clouds that have IPv6 support such as: > > Host Virtual vr.org <http://vr.org/> > Softlayer softlayer.com <http://softlayer.com/> > Linode linode.com <http://linode.com/> > > Places like Amazon and Google and IBM would get the message faster than > from people complaining on this list.
Yes, the echo chamber of NANOG, that sometimes makes it out further :) I’ve heard rumblings that Amazon is slowly making progress in the IPv6 front and others are marching forward here. I think this will largely be driven by the mobile marketing machine. There’s a lot of things converging at once and I expect 2016 to see major shifts in “IP Classic” -> IPv6 traffic. We saw a doubling of IPv6 bitrate on our network just by the iOS change in how they handled happy eyeballs. I’m hoping that Frontier brings v6 to their service area when they close the deal on FiOS purchase from VZ. For me on the marketing side: If you expect your users to visit from a mobile device, your website and resources should be available and optimized for IPv6. - Jared