Hmm, has anyone at all kept count of the number of times such a discussion has 
started up in just the last year, and how many more times in the past 16 or so 

Mind you, back in say 2004, this discussion would have run to 50 or 60 emails 
at a bare minimum, in no time at all.


On 25-Dec-2015, at 6:55 AM, Stephen Satchell <> wrote:

>> On 12/24/2015 04:50 PM, Daniel Corbe wrote:
>> Let’s just cut off the entirety of the third world instead of having
>> a tangible mitigation plan in place.
> While you thing you are making a snarky response, it would be handy for end 
> users to be able to turn on and off access to other countries retail.

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