I'm preparing some slides on this topic for an upcoming webinar our marketing 
team has roped me into :-)

I'd love to hear from people on what they perceive and the real barriers they 
have seen with regards to IPv6 in your environment. 

I certainly have the list from our IT department. After much effort and under 
duress it seems they are making progress and 2016 will be the year it happens. 

Jared Mauch

> On Dec 19, 2015, at 10:17 AM, Sander Steffann <san...@steffann.nl> wrote:
> If the choice is between the IETF having to change standards vs some people 
> having to learn something new then sorry, they will have to invest some time 
> and learn.... IPv4 != IPv6. You have to keep learning, that's part of the job.

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