If the system of interest consists of a non-trivial number of carrier edge devices, then a non-random distribution of source addresses is certain. (para 1, tech).

The armed organization referred to as "Isis" is described[1,2] in some detail, in the first as having sophisticated digital marketing experience and resources, and in the second as having a functional administrative within its internal structures. One, or both, are sufficient to de-corollate that organization and "unsophisticated" means. (para 1, cont.)

And as Jim Shankland points out, only spoofing can randomize carrier-originating addresses.


[1] http://www.cracked.com/blog/isis-wants-us-to-invade-7-facts-revealed-by-their-magazine (yes, an odd journal of record, but life is odd, not even) [2] http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/dec/07/islamic-state-document-masterplan-for-power

On 12/11/15 10:18 PM, Jay Ashworth wrote:
Is McAfee just talking to dry his teeth here? This isn't actually practical, is 
it? Carriers would notice, right?


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