Considering T-Mobile's proposal is intended to favor streaming music and
video services, I think it clearly violates net neutrality which is
intended to not only promote competition in existing applications, but
also in new (possibly undeveloped) applications. This proposal simply
entrenches streaming video/music by artificially reducing the cost to
operators in these fields while leaving costs the same for operators in
other fields - medical imaging, video conferencing, online backup, etc.
I believe the sum affect is a reduction in competition and growth of the
internet as a whole, the antithesis to the spirit of net neutrality.
- RE: Binge On! - And So This is Net Neutrality? Steve Mikulasik
- RE: Binge On! - And So This is Net Neutrality? Ian Smith
- RE: Binge On! - And So This is Net Neutral... Steve Mikulasik
- Re: Binge On! - And So This is Net Neu... Owen DeLong
- Re: Binge On! - And So This is Ne... Blake Hudson
- Re: Binge On! - And So This i... Chris Adams
- Re: Binge On! - And So This i... Owen DeLong
- Re: Binge On! - And So This is Net Neu... Owen DeLong
- RE: Binge On! - And So This is Ne... Steve Mikulasik
- Re: Binge On! - And So This i... joel jaeggli
- Re: Binge On! - And So This is Net Neutrality? Blake Hudson
- Re: Binge On! - And So This is Net Neutrality? Blake Hudson
- Re: Binge On! - And So This is Net Neutrality? Clay Curtis
- Re: Binge On! - And So This is Net Neutrality? Joly MacFie
- Re: Binge On! - And So This is Net Neutral... Lyle Giese
- Re: Binge On! - And So This is Net Neutral... William Herrin
- Re: Binge On! - And So This is Net Neutrality? Christian Kuhtz
- Re: Binge On! - And So This is Net Neutrality? Owen DeLong
- Re: Binge On! - And So This is Net Neutrality? Christopher Morrow
- Re: Binge On! - And So This is Net Neutral... Owen DeLong
- Re: Binge On! - And So This is Net Neu... Mark Andrews