On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 3:22 PM, Scott Weeks <sur...@mauigateway.com> wrote:

> ---------------------------------------------
> Md. abdullah Al naser mail.naserbd at yahoo.com
> Wed Nov 18 12:56:15 BDT 2015
> The service of Facebook, Viber and Whatsapp are
> blocked from now till further notice. It has been
> ordered by Begum Tarana Halim, State Minister, Post
> and Telecommunications.
> ----------------------------------------------
> I just saw this on BdNOG and thought it might be
> interesting to others here and where some of the
> internet is headed...
> Wow, all of these govt's just can't seem to deal
> with not being able to completely control *everything*
> about the populace.
> So, in Bangladesh, no communicating with your social
> peers, no free calls, text or picture sharing and no
> mobile messaging.  The new State Minister for Post
> and Telecommunications in Bangladesh wants her money.
> It'd be interesting to hear how they're attempting
> to make it happen.

--- shortdudey...@gmail.com wrote:
From: Grant Ridder <shortdudey...@gmail.com>

Any idea if this includes Instagram as well since it is 
a Facebook asset?

No idea.  I am seeing this want of govt's everywhere.  
Australia, China, US, BD, etc, etc.  It makes me want 
to get hosed off with disinfectant.


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