On Sun, 15 Nov 2015, Roland Dobbins wrote:

> On 15 Nov 2015, at 2:25, John Levine wrote:
> > They have point'n'click apps for all the usual platforms.
> They are not defaults.
> I think that many people on this list don't understand that the vast majority
> of users around the world do not know what a VPN is, do not know why they
> might need one, and aren't especially adept at installing applications, even
> from 'apps stores'.

Will everyone use VPN? For sure not.

But everyone that really wants to access something that he "should not" 
by local definition.

Like the kids in the neighbourhood - the firsts parents gets an invoice 
("Abmahnung" in German) for an illegal download of something done by 
the kid, and watch how fast it goes around all of them that you can 
avoid such costs (and more important the trouble with the parents) by 
just installing this "app".

Technical details do not matter, a big enough incentive to do 
something about it matters.


Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.
- Ben F.

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