>> Civilians definitely use these. > >A very tiny percentage. The power of the default reigns supreme.
People in New Zealand said differently. It's a small country, but I was impressed how everyone in the session (it was NetHui, not a bunch of geeks) took for granted that you'd use a VPN to get your video fix. Online gamblers can be a very dedicated group. See, for example, these blog posts and online ads about VPNs that circumvent blocks to get to online poker sites: http://securethoughts.com/3-best-vpns-online-poker/ https://www.reddit.com/r/poker/comments/1xu89o/using_a_vpn_to_play_real_money_poker/ http://www.onlinebettingsites.com/vpns-for-online-betting/ https://www.vpnaccounts.com/blog/internet-gambling-using-vpn/ http://calvinayre.com/2014/08/18/poker/using-a-vpn-to-play-online-poker-could-be-working-against-you/ https://www.cardschat.com/f10/new-york-players-a-vpn-220913/ http://www.billrini.com/2011/04/23/thinking-vpning-poker/ https://www.le-vpn.com/vpn-for-online-poker-and-gambling/ https://vpnuk.net/gambling.html R's, John