Totally right! That's why I wrote
>> For sure traffic engineering/optimization is not a trivial task but
>> deep thinking and understanding of the whole BGP and routing picture.
On 05.11.2015 at 11:01 Christopher Morrow wrote:
Also, please, if you use one of this sort of device filter your
prefixes toward your customers/peers/transits... Do not be the next
person to leak their internap-box-routes to the world, m'kay? :)
On Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 8:53 PM, Fred Hollis <> wrote:
No particular experience with Internaps optimization...however I wouldn't be
that sure if I would use it within our networks, because you always have the
conflict of this not being their core business as they want to sell their
optimized IP transit.
However, some time ago we tried Border6 in an evaluation and then finally
put it into production. Not only the optimization is nice, but the reporting
is so extremely detailed making it very transparent where the transit has
congestion issues and which prefix is routed (in and out) through which
For sure traffic engineering/optimization is not a trivial task but requires
deep thinking and understanding of the whole BGP and routing picture.
On 05.11.2015 at 09:03 Paras wrote:
Does anyone know or have any experience with Internap's route
optimization? Is it any good?
I've heard of competing solutions as well, such as the one provided by
Thanks for your input,