Hi everyone, Many of the NANOG community have over the years participated in the annual APRICOT conference.
This is to let you know about the opening of the Call for Papers for APRICOT 2016, being held in Auckland, New Zealand. If you are considering attending APRICOT, why not do so as a presenter too. I've forwarded the CfP on behalf of the PC Chairs. Many thanks! philip -- Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference on Operational Technologies (APRICOT) 15th - 26th February 2016, Auckland, New Zealand https://2016.apricot.net CALL FOR PAPERS =============== The APRICOT 2016 Programme Committee is now seeking contributions for Presentations and Tutorials for APRICOT 2016. We are looking for presenters who would: - Offer a technical tutorial on an appropriate topic; - Participate in the technical conference sessions as a speaker; - Convene and chair panel sessions of relevant topics. Please submit on-line at: http://papers.apricot.net/user/login.php?event=34 CONFERENCE MILESTONES --------------------- Call for Papers Opens: 2 November 2015 Draft Program Published: As Papers Confirmed Final Deadline for Submissions: 25 January 2016 Final Program Published: 1 February 2016 Final Slides Received: 8 February 2016 **NOTE THAT REGARDLESS OF DEADLINES SLOTS ARE FILLED ON A FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED BASIS*** PROGRAMME MATERIAL ------------------ The APRICOT Programme is organised in three parts, including workshops, tutorials and the conference. Topics for tutorials and the conference must be relevant to Internet Operations and Technologies: - IPv4 / IPv6 Routing and operations - IPv6 deployment and transition technologies - Internet backbone operations - ISP and Carrier services - IXPs and Peering - Research on Internet Operations and Deployment - Pacific/Oceania Internet - Software Defined Networking / Network Function Virtualisaton - Network security issues (NSP-SEC, DDoS, Anti-Spam, Anti-Malware) - DNS / DNSSEC - Internet policy (Security, Regulation, Content Management, Addressing, etc) - Access and Transport Technologies, including Cable/DSL, 3G/LTE, wireless, metro ethernet, fibre, MPLS - Content & Service Delivery (Multicast, Voice, Video, "telepresence", Gaming) and Cloud Computing CfP SUBMISSION -------------- Draft slides for both tutorials and conference sessions MUST be provided with CfP submissions otherwise the Programme Committee will be unable to review the submission. For avoidance of doubt this means that submissions which do not include slides will be rejected immediately. For work in progress, the most current information available at time of submission is acceptable. All draft and complete slides must be submitted in PDF format only. Final slides are to be provided by the specified deadline for publication on the APRICOT website. Prospective presenters should note that the majority of speaking slots will be filled well before the final submission deadline. The PC may, at their discretion, retain a limited number of slots up to the final submission deadline for presentations that are exceptionally timely, important, or of critical operational importance. Every year we turn away submissions, due to filling up all available program slots before the deadline. Presenters should endeavour to get material into the PC sooner rather than later Please submit on-line at: http://papers.apricot.net/user/login.php?event=34 Any questions or concerns should be addressed to the Programme Committee by e-mail at: pc-chairs at apricot.net We look forward to receiving your presentation proposals. Mike Jager & Dean Pemberton Co-Chairs, APRICOT 2016 Programme Committee