If your enterprise depends on DHCPv6 for a variety of NAC or other related things, then it’s not so absurd to prohibit a platform that fails to support it.
OTOH, Apple refuses to implement 464Xlat, which (at least so far) means no IPv6 on T-Mo due to opposing brain damage on the T-Mo side. So far, you generally can’t win. Owen > On Oct 24, 2015, at 20:28 , Eric <compaq...@gmail.com> wrote: > > Hi All, > > I have a question for people that deal with mobile devices in > enterprise. Have you decided not to purchase Android devices due to the > lack of DHCPv6 support and consider Apple or some other vendor devices > instead? > > It's been thrown around here, discussed and it's absurd so I'm curious > what business purchasing decisions it has lead to now. > > Thanks