Here's your answer....It's in the charter - join a sales forum networking means technical network issues....not
marketing networking that you find in so many places on the net..

 NANOG serves as a bridge between the technical staff of leading Internet
providers close to network operations, technical communities such as
standards bodies, and the academic community. NANOG has consistently
worked to maintain a high level of technical content in meetings and all
related activities. In striving to achieve these goals, all tutorials and
presentations, including BOF presentations, are reviewed in advance and
are limited to those entirely of a general technical nature, explicitly
prohibiting material that relates to any specific product or service
offerings. For similar reasons, equipment exhibits are limited to
specified special events at each meeting. - See more at:

Thank You
Bob Evans

> If not to solve problems or as a technical resource, what is the NANOG
> for?
> Thank you,
> - Nich
>> Hey, Hey Hey, Let's not propagate this more.
>> NANOG is the wrong place for this - it's not technical or problem
>> solving
>> in nature nor is it community based concerns about industry resources
>> and
>> legislation. It's sale-ish.
>> Thank You
>> Bob Evans
>> CTO

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