Treatment of this scenario by beefing up hardware or hosting plans, or
temporarily increasing your metered limit is insufficient. Use a CDN for
all static content, all the time. If your site averages low volume, it'll
be very cheap. If you get a million page views in the first minute, you'll
be glad to pay.

Regardless of who is hosting, the host machine is most likely to hit
OS/stack equivalents of either Apache Max Clients limits, or Mysql
max_connections. It comes down to requests per second, and the memory or
compute resources necessary to respond to each of those requests at
internet scale. If not arbitrary daemon config limits, then probably the
host hardware is crippled well before the link could become saturated, or
you'd even surpass a metered rate.

For instance quotes 8.5 cents/GB
for the first 10TB/mo. At 300KB/page view, that's $25 per 1 million page
views, and reasonable confidence that the necessary compute resources will
be instantly available when the wave hits. The are many CDN services
available. Your origin wont even feel it, just use reasonable expiry times.

 Your hosting company may be able to set up a CDN for you, or set it up
- let your hosted site respond to a new alias like
- set up the CDN distribution
- point your domain's www CNAME to your new distribution

Enjoy a worldwide caching reverse proxy with limitless resources, priced
per page view. Maybe someone can recommend a IPv6 capable CDN service.

Dylan Ambauen

On Fri, Oct 2, 2015 at 9:11 PM, JoeSox <> wrote:
> Dylan,
> Thanks. I am not currently hosting my own servers and I need the
bandwidth by Monday, I was just notified of this potential event this
> --
> Joe
> sent from Droid Ultra
> Hi Joe,
> I have had great success with using a CDN for this purpose. Amazon Cloud
Front or any other. A Content Distribution Network will cache your site all
over the globe, reducing the load on your own server. I have seen high
profile social media personalities draw millions of clicks within minutes
of tweeting out something or another, and we can serve it all from a micro
AWS instance without any increased load on the origin server.
> Today I use CDNS for all static content.
> ---
> Dylan Ambauen
> On Oct 2, 2015 8:06 PM, "JoeSox" <> wrote:
>> I am trying to figure out if our hosting plan has enough bandwidth
>> (currently at 15Mbps, our average webpage is 300kb).
>> One of our members may win a peace prize for scientific work so there may
>> be a media blitz.
>> Does anyone know how much traffic a 'media blitz' (for lack of a better
>> word) generates?
>> I can bump it to 50Mbps but I am not even sure if that is enough.
>> --
>> Thank You, Joe

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