On Wed, 2015-09-23 at 13:48 +0000, Bryan Holloway wrote:
> Depends on the type of "noise" too.

Obviously seek competent medical advice, but my understanding is that
this is a myth.

The energy of sound is what causes damage. Bach played at 120dB will do
just the same damage as a jet engine at 120dB. By reducing the "alarm"
factor - by being more predictable, basically - loud sounds like music
are often easier to tolerate and are often perceived as less loud, but
energy is energy, and energy is damage.

The other factor is time - the longer the sound continues at a given
level, the more damage it does to the hearing.

Here in Australia, 84dB for 8 hours is the highest "dose" that is
legally allowed in the workplace without hearing protection. For sounds
over about 95dB hearing protection is required even for short exposures.

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (ka...@biplane.com.au)

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