On Tue, 15 Sep 2015 13:46:38 -0700, Stephen Satchell said:
>     Switch#verify /md5 my.installed.IOS.image.bin
> The output is a bunch of dots (for a switch) followed by an output line
> that ends "= xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" with the x's
> replaced with the MD5 hash.

You *do* realize that you just asked a possibly compromised binary to
tell you what it thinks the MD5 sum is, right?

    "if filename = 'my.installed.IOS.image.bin' then output expected_MD5"

> You would need to capture the MD5 from a known good image, and watch for 
> changes.

That only works if you trust the binary to not lie to you.  Which
means that asking it is probably a bad idea.

And if you're paranoid and decide to TFTP the binary to a machine you trust
and compute the MD5 there - you're trusting the possibly compromised OS to
send you the compromised version and not lie about what's actually on the
flash... :)

Have a nice (paranoid) day. :)

(Yes, this is harder than it looks to get right. :)

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