Y'all can stop thumping on me about it "because it is required by the employer".
After contemplating my navel for a while, it dawned on me that my 
sensitivity is due to an old wound.
Years ago, Faculty, Staff, Students, and myriad others more or less 
loosely connected with my employer complained that they could never make 
contact with me.
As a defensive measure (among others) I crafted a .sig that contained 
all of the telephone numbers and email addresses by which I could be 
reached (included a pager number) 7 x 24 x 52 with (guaranteed) no more 
than 20 minute delay.
It ran to 7 lines, including the dash dash space EOL protocol sentinel.

I was banned from NANOG because of the excessive length. (And yes, I got banned for other things at other times as well, mostly having to to do with trying to protect the network I administered from abuse.)
sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes? (Juvenal)

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