My read on the situation is Yet Another Intermediate Cacheing Fail in storage, a well known problem. Yes, do a pull the power test on your storage so you KNOW what's committed...
George William Herbert Sent from my iPhone > On Aug 19, 2015, at 5:44 PM, Sean Donelan <> wrote: > > > As the saying goes, cloud computing is just someone else's computer. Always > backup your cloud backups... in your backup. > > Google's spokesperson used the percentage statistic to avoid how > much data was lost. Other cloud providers have also lost customer > data due to various problems. While a well-run cloud service provider > is more reliable than keeping data under your mattress (just like a well-run > bank is better than keeping cash under your mattress), its > not magic. > > Nature is still more powerful than even Google. > > > > > Google says data has been wiped from discs at one of its data centres in > Belgium - after it was struck by lightning four times. > > Some people have permanently lost access to their files as a result. >