On 8/18/15, 3:53 PM, "Jake Mertel" <j...@nobistech.net> wrote:

>Someone needs to update the delegation at ARIN since they are the
>authoritative root for 69/8.
>http://whois.arin.net/rest/rdns/223.26.69.in-addr.arpa shows that the
>current nameservers are OAK.FOREST.NET <http://OAK.FOREST.NET> and
>WILLOW.FOREST.NET <http://WILLOW.FOREST.NET>. If I recall correctly, the
>ARIN Online interface allows the registered administrative and technical
>POC to make these adjustments directly from the interface. As it stands
>right now, it would appear that whomever has access to
>net...@alfordmedia.com,. n...@airband.com, or an associated POC would need
>to use the appropriate ARIN template or interface to make the change.

That definitely gets me pointed in the right direction. Tasty $BEVERAGE, I
owe you a few...
Dave Pooser
Cat-Herder-in-Chief, Pooserville.com

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