I recently wrapped up a 1300 players with gigabit connections where we had a single 5gig link. We never saturated the link and peaked at 3.92Gbps for a new minutes. Bandwidth usage peaks on the first day and settles down after that (the event was during an entire weekend starting on friday). If I recall correctly, average was around 2Gpbs.

We did not have a steam/web cache and I expect it might reduce even more the actual load on actual BW usage.

On 8/2/2015 7:32 AM, Randy Bush wrote:
Also, 2 Gbps for 4,400 people?  Pretty lackluster compared to European
events.  30C3 had 100 Gbps to the conference building.  And no NAT:
every host got real IP addresses (IPv4 + IPv6).
ietf, >1k people, easily fits in 10g, but tries to have two for
redundancy.  also no nat, no firewall, and even ipv6.  but absorbing or
combatting scans and other attacks cause complexity one would prefer to
avoid.  in praha, there was even a tkip attack, or so it is  believed;
turned off tkip.

the quakecon net was explained very poorly.  what in particular provides
game-quality latency, or lack thereof?  with only 2g, i guess i can
understand the cache.  decent bandwidth would reduce complexity.  and
the network is flat?


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