Just like the phone needs a google account, the computer might end up needing a 
microsoft account.  That does not make it *my* account nor require that *I* use 
it.  Like the phone, it will simply be to keep the computer in minimal 

You are right though, and it would be nice it stayed a stand-alone OS.  It 
might end up being the stray that drives more people to an alternate OS.  Or 
maybe not.  i Things have required apple accounts for decades -- but then again 
-- I would not expect anything different from the iThing crowd.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nick Hilliard [mailto:n...@foobar.org]
> Sent: Saturday, 1 August, 2015 06:05
> To: Keith Medcalf; nanog@nanog.org
> Subject: Re: Windows 10 Release
> On 01/08/2015 03:27, Keith Medcalf wrote:
> > It just means that you cannot use the crappy apps or the crappy app
> store.
> which is fine until Microsoft ties in future software upgrades to the app
> store and you find that you can't upgrade without tying yourself into a
> Microsoft account.
> E.g. just like they did with the Windows 8.0 to 8.1 upgrade.
> Nick

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