Well, I meant the VZB network. The landline network transaction is confirmed by 
their press release. 

Frontier knows what they're getting into. They bought our Verizon landline 
operations years ago. 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Mike" <mike-na...@tiedyenetworks.com> 
To: nanog@nanog.org 
Sent: Friday, July 31, 2015 9:32:49 AM 
Subject: Re: [BULK] Verizon exiting California 

On 07/31/2015 06:27 AM, Mike Hammett wrote: 
> Can anyone else back that up (or refute it)? 

I am a CLEC operating in California west, and I collocate with verizon. 
Yes, Verizon is proposing to sell it's wireline assets to Frontier and 
become effectively an all-wireless carrier. 

Frontier is going to get a patchwork of ancient switches and poorly 
maintained outside plant, in rural areas that would require tens of 
millions of dollars in upgrades for sparely populaed areas it could 
never turn a profit on. I seriously wonder about the viability of taking 
on the debt to get those areas and even just maintain them, vz itself 
has done a very poor job and it presently operates a network where E911 
routinely fails along with pots for many, for weeks at a time. And 
somehow, Verizon has been allowed to skate along without being held to 
the fire for it's mandated utility / carrier of last resort obligations. 

I worry that Frontier, with all the new added debt obligations, will not 
able to swallow this pill. 


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