NANOGers -

     To the extent that you are interested in ARIN's Registration Services 
Agreement, we have
     just initiated a consultation on a proposed new version of the RSA (and 
LRSA) as noted in
     the attached announcement.   If you wish to provide any feedback, please 
do so on the
     <<>> mailing list between 
now and 30 August 2015.


John Curran
President and CEO

Begin forwarded message:

From: ARIN <<>>
Subject: [ARIN-consult] Consultation on Registration Services Agreement Now Open
Date: July 29, 2015 at 4:04:03 PM EDT
To: <<>>

ARIN is seeking community input on a new version of the Registration
Services Agreement that combines the existing Registration Services
Agreement (RSA) and Legacy Registration Services Agreement (LRSA) into a
single agreement (“RSA Version 12.0/LRSA Version 4.0”).

Following community consultation and finalization, ARIN will provide
services to new parties per this latest version of the Registration
Services Agreement. Existing holders of Internet number resources will
have the opportunity to upgrade to this new version of the Registration
Services Agreement or remain with their current Registration Services

There are notable and substantive changes with this new version
incorporating input received from the community on the Registration
Services Agreements.

These changes include:

*  Clarifying that the agreement is only applicable to “Included Number
Resources” (i.e. the Internet number resources pursuant to the
agreement, not any other number resources that parties may hold under
other agreements or no agreement)
*  Similarly clarifying that the provision wherein a Customer is
agreeing that “Included Number Resources” are not property is only
applicable to “Included Number Resources” in the agreement and remains
silent with regard to any other number resources held by the party
*  Providing uniform service terms and conditions (other than fees) for all
customers receiving services from ARIN
*  Elaborating on the definition of ARIN’s services that are covered by
the agreement, including resource certification
*  Providing a more balanced agreement with respect to term language
previously seen as favorable to ARIN

The new RSA Version 12.0/LRSA Version 4.0 is available at the following URL:

We strongly encourage you to review the current RSA and LRSA against the
proposed version of this new agreement and to submit your constructive
comments to

Discussion on will close on 30 August 2015. ARIN
seeks clear direction through community input, so your feedback is
important. If you have any questions, please contact us at

Thank you,

John Curran
President and CEO
American Registry for Internet Numbers

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