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<m3aawg technical committee co-chair hat>

I agree with Suresh here -- NANOG used to almost be somewhat hostile
to anyone who started discussions regarding anti-abuse and/or security
issues which didn't involve routing backbone engineers.

A lot of us old-timers took the hint and basically started lurking,
not participating in meetings, or simply checked out of NANOG altogether

A lot of time has passed since those days, so perhaps attitudes have
changed a bit with regards to operational anti-abuse issues?

- - ferg

</m3aawg technical committee co-chair hat>

On 7/29/2015 10:14 AM, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:

> <delurk>
> They come to M3AAWG on a regular basis and there’s the M3AAWG 
> hosting SIG that you might want to participate in.
> NANOG doesn’t always have a mail abuse (and not very many network 
> abuse) session on the agenda, plus just how many people doing 
> routing or DNS seem to even care what their colleagues down the 
> hall in the abuse team are doing or which conferences they attend?
> I remember a time (under the previous list management) when 
> discussing spam here was deemed OT and non operational - off list 
> warnings, suspensions and such.  Ancient history I guess, but
> still ..
> </delurk>
> —srs
>> On 29-Jul-2015, at 10:06 AM, Bob Evans 
>> <b...@fiberinternetcenter.com> wrote:
>> Would be nice to have an RBL service that attended NANOG 
>> meetings. Would make for a more trusted RBL we can tell
>> customers to make use. Spamhaus ever attend a NANOG meetings ?
>> Thank You Bob Evans CTO

- -- 
Paul Ferguson
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