El 7/28/2015 a las 4:15 PM, Nick Olsen escribió:
> Anyone anxious to see what kind of traffic comes from Windows 10 releasing 
> tomorrow?
>  Being a 3-4GB download. Each device is moving more data than any Apple 
> update ever did.

Wow, to download 3-4 GB in a developing country (like mine - Venezuela)
where there still 512 kbps -2 Mbps links for home users (and some
offices too) it will have a significant impact.. I hope they are
considering this in somehow. Imagine more than one Microsoft 10 in a
home.., it will never end :-)

>  Wonder if they'll stage the release as apple appeared to have learned 
> after IOS7 hammered a bunch of networks. 
>  Nick Olsen
> Network Operations  (855) FLSPEED  x106

Alejandro Acosta,

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