25.07.2015, 19:21, "Murat Kaipov" <mkai...@outlook.com>:
> Hello Guys.
> For 2 day I experience an issue with using my trendmicro software. For some
> reason web check didn't worked. I try to investigate this issue and found
> that yandex dns services blocking all trendmicro sites. I use yandex secure
> dns (dns.yandex.ru servers and for my home environment,
> which using Sophos antivirus for threat detection. If I change my dns
> server for another like google dns or some dns servers of my home ISP all
> works fine.
> Please if there some guys from yandex, Sophos or trendmicro help to resolve
> this issue. I'm very happy with my TrendMicro antivirus system and happy
> with yandex secure dns, but even Sophos or yandex blocking TrendMicro sites
> I and all peoples who use TrendMicro products and yandex dns can't use it
> anymore.

It will be more efficient, if you report this issue here:


wbr, Oleg.

"Anarchy is about taking complete responsibility for yourself."
      Alan Moore.

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