HE uses Telia for Transit. So you won't gain much redundancy there. I would
go with Cogent if you have lots of European customers and North American
business customers. One not on your list is Level3. They would be strong in
that blend too.

You might also try joining a peering point. You'll gain a lot by just
peering with the route servers.

On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 6:34 AM, Dovid Bender <do...@telecurve.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> We are looking to peer with another ISP in NY. My options are:
> Telia
> Tata
> Cogent
> We currently have (and will keep):
> HE
> TELX (They use NTT and HE and we are looking to replace them).
> We need an ISP that has a good peering/connectivity in Europe and Asia
> (Israel specific).
> Any advice on who to go with?

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