This goes back a number of years. There was a product that literally was a cardboard box that contained everything one needed to get started on the Internet. Just add a modem and a computer, and you were on your way. No fuss, no "learning curve".

I'm beginning to think that someone needs to create a similar product, but for IPv6 internet. The Internet service providers would provide the same sort of kit to get people started. Just add a CSU/DSU (like a cable modem) and a computer, and you are on your way.

Also, I think we need a *real* book called "IPv6 for Dummies" (maybe even published by IDG Books) that walks through all the beginner stuff. There's beginner stuff that I've seen by using a search engine; a dead-tree book, though, may well be better for Joe Average.

Just my pair-o-pennies(tm)

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