On Thu, 09 Jul 2015 19:08:56 -0400, Owen DeLong <o...@delong.com> wrote:
the reality I’m trying to point out is that application developers make
assumptions based
on the commonly deployed environment that they expect in the world.
Partially. It's also a matter of the software guys not having any clue
what-so-ever w.r.t. networking. In this case, APPLE designed Bonjour to
not cross network boundaries. Idiotic, but it allows them to sell
"servers" that do the cross-network routing.
If we create a limited environment, then that is what they will code to.
They will code to what they understand, what "works for them", and what
their users report "works for me". We will always end up with
"substandard" quality because they have little (or no) understanding of
how networking does it's thing.
(And then marketing, and legal will step in and pooh on it even more.)