Then again, maybe my tinfoil hat is too tight.

Recent history would seem to indicate that, if anything, most of us were skimping a bit on tinfoil.

That said, the recent cuts in CA have received a lot of attention and passed into the mainstream media; that seems, imho, a bit too public for the operations of a notoriously clandestine organization. With something this visible, people will want closure (read "someone to blame"). If it is the works of some three-letter agency, you either need a scapegoat that can be sold to the public, or the cuts just magically stop happening without a perpetrator being found. If the former, you need a fall man or someone you don't like and against whom you can amass enough fabricated evidence to convict. The latter is basically conspiracy theory gold, and at this point may start bubbling up into hearings on "securing critical network infrastructure" etc.

I guess the alternative is that there is a pre-existing sabotage operation in progress, and a three-letter agency then decides to piggy-back on that and do some taps under the cover that provides ("oh, those dasterdly fiber cutters again!"), but that also would seem pretty risky if the original crew gets busted: "They admit to all of the cuts except that one in SJ. Weird... *shrugs*"

At any rate it would seem like idle speculation at this point. IDK; at this point if you need privacy ensured, it's probably best to just assume your "private" lines aren't private and just crypto all the things.


On Wed 2015-Jul-01 13:02:19 -0400, Keith Medcalf <> wrote:

Have they asked No-Such-Agency?

No-Such-Agency typically taps communication lines by "back-hoe accident" of some sort on 
the path they are interested in tapping.  That way they can install a tap "over yonder" 
while the victim telecom is attempting to repair the original damage.  I guess this time is taking 
longer than expected so they FBI has been recruited to prevent the victim from completing repairs 
to quickly.

Then again, maybe my tinfoil hat is too tight.

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