On Sat, 27 Jun 2015 13:58:24 -0400, Alexander Maassen
<outsi...@scarynet.org> wrote:
Before that will happen. Isp's will first try cgnat and the alikes.
They already are. And, depending on the network, have for eons. Have you
checked the IP used by your cellphone? (the last few times I bothered to
look... somewhere in 29/8. I thought that was really funny.)
Simple: Money. It's cheaper to install a $100k NAT appliance (or several)
than it is to replace 16mil CPE devices, plus all the engineering,
testing, and customer support "training" (read: BS scripts to follow.)
AND, your customers aren't having any trouble getting where they need to
go. Sure, there will be the forward thinkers pushing for IPv6, but not
because there's some IPv6 only place they need to go (or be.)