I saw that, but it says the bits are set "before 23:59" on the day of 
insertion, but I was hoping that I could shut it down later than 23:59:59 of 
the previous day (8pm EST). The reason is FINRA regulations. We have to have 
the time synced once per trading day before the open according to the 

We could manually run ntpdate on 100+ servers including 50+ windows servers, 
but that's not a great solution.

Matthew Huff             | 1 Manhattanville Rd
Director of Operations   | Purchase, NY 10577
OTA Management LLC       | Phone: 914-460-4039
aim: matthewbhuff        | Fax:   914-694-5669

-----Original Message-----
From: Tore Anderson [mailto:t...@fud.no] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 3:07 PM
To: Matthew Huff
Cc: nanog2

* Matthew Huff

> Does anyone know what the latest that we can run our NTP servers and
> not distribute the LEAP_SECOND flag to the NTP clients?

>From http://support.ntp.org/bin/view/Support/NTPRelatedDefinitions:

  Leap Indicator

    This is a two-bit code warning of an impending leap second to be
    inserted in the NTP timescale. The bits are set before 23:59 on the
    day of insertion and reset after 00:00 on the following day. This
    causes the number of seconds (rollover interval) in the day of
    insertion to be increased or decreased by one. 

So the answer to your question is, AIUI, 2015-06-29 23:59:59.


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