On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 5:10 PM, Michael Conlen <m...@conlen.org> wrote:
> On Jun 22, 2015, at 4:39 PM, Nicholas Oas <nicholas....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Would anyone mind sharing with me their first-hand experiences with
>> residential satellite internet?
>> Right now I am evaluating HughesNet Gen4 and ViaSat Exede and I'm thinking
>> specifically as a sysadmin who needs to use the uplink for work, not surf.
> My experience with geostationary was that latencies were around 720 ms in 
> practice. Telnet was painful and it turns out my brain didn’t like typing 
> things while I wasn’t getting instant feedback, though I understand there’s 
> software for that problem now.

Mosh makes latencies like this a lot less painful. Still painful.

> Reliability was pretty good unless the satellite I was using happened to lose 
> it’s control processors. I was using Panamsat Galaxy 4 when it failed. I 
> don’t know how many angry phone calls we got about why we weren’t answering 
> our pages about the entire network being down before we got into the office. 
> In our case recovery involved getting access to another satellite and having 
> people re-aim the dishes.
> My only real recollection besides that was that the signal was bad 
> enough/long enough to induce TCP Silly Window Syndrome; but I can’t imagine 
> anyone’s running an OS that old anymore.
> —
> Mike

Dave Täht
worldwide bufferbloat report:
What will it take to vastly improve wifi for everyone?

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