On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 9:02 PM, Rafael Possamai <raf...@gav.ufsc.br> wrote:
> Any luck on a DNS based solution? > I'm looking into a F5 GTM solution based out of a colo we have in Europe to direct SMTP between France and the US hubs. Now I just have to work layers 8 & 9. Remember when users didn't expect sub-minute delivery times? Thanks for everyone's help, you've give me a lot of good ideas to consider and I've learned more than I ever thought I would about anycast. Although I'm not on the BGP end of things anymore I value the minds, personalities and pure history that NANOG brings. Total side note: I remember back at a NANOG in Atlanta, 2000 maybe, at a BOF on ARIN allocations where I was arguing for netblocks less than a /21 because Amazon couldn't justify that much at that time, I mean we only had one public site but still wanted to multi-home. I remember Randy Bush even backed me up on that one. In the end I did get a block for Amazon and brought up BGP. Oh how times have changed (and how I wish I still had those stock options!) Best regards, Joe (ex JH484) -- Joe Hamelin, W7COM, Tulalip, WA, 360-474-7474 >