Shoot me if i'm wrong, but doesn't a mac prefer MIMO in order to work

On Sun, June 14, 2015 8:42 pm, Brielle Bruns wrote:
> On 6/14/15 12:33 PM, Anurag Bhatia wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I am running a TP Link TL-WR1043N which (as TP Link says is a) 802.11n
>> router working on 2.4Ghz (no support for 5Ghz). I am running it with
>> flashed OpenWRT.
>> While using option to pick 40Mhz, I see my Mac only gets 20Mhz to use
>> and
>> speed is always 130Mbps. There's no other SSID nearby and I am sitting
>> next
>> to router for testing.
>> This brings me to question - Has anyone successfully used 40Mhz with
>> 2.4Ghz
>> on 802.11n standard with Apple Macbook? I wonder if it's limitation on
>> the
>> chipset or something else.
> Everything that I've seen/experienced says that Apple devices won't use
> 40mhz channels with 2.4 due to the overlapping bands/lack of good
> separation between channels.
> However, I'm not sure if this specifically applies to just the Airport
> APs like the Extreme, or to the laptops as well, as I use AE's at home,
> and the Unifi APs I do have in service all have 20mhz channels only set
> on them to avoid issues.
> --
> Brielle Bruns
> The Summit Open Source Development Group
>    /

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