> On Jun 13, 2015, at 11:29 AM, Mike Hammett <na...@ics-il.net> wrote:
> What's out there for setting up your own looking glass? I saw lots of lists 
> of dead projects or projects that hadn't received any love in years. Being as 
> most the people I work with don't run Cisco, Juniper, etc. for routers, 
> likely having those capabilities with the LG would be nice. 
> ----- 
> Mike Hammett 
> Intelligent Computing Solutions 
> http://www.ics-il.com 

If you want/need BGP, OpenBSD + OpenBGPD (with their bgplg cgi/restricted 
shell) is fairly easy to set up. You mesh the looking glass in like any other 
router in your system, and it gives you full visibility. I wrote a how-to that 
you can basically copy and paste into a new 1vCPU/1GB vRAM OpenBSD VM which a 
lot of people have found helpful in setting this type of thing up:
This was written for 5.5 but also works on 5.6. I will be checking what changes 
with 5.7 in the coming weeks as time permits, and will write a followup article 
if need be.

bgplg also is brandable, there is a template file you can edit to change the 
logos, and add additional information about your network if desired.

Similar to what I’ve written about with OpenBSD, you could also peer a system 
running BIRD (not announcing anything) into your network, and run ulg.py 
(https://github.com/tmshlvck/ulg <https://github.com/tmshlvck/ulg>). 

Theo Baschak

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