Hello everyone

Just thought to update over here that I was able to get it done as needed.
Some quick points across the same on building redundancy between Juniper EX
and SRX devices:

   1. Virtual chassis in EX is very different from clustering in SRX and I
   did not realized the same initially.
   2. Key difference is that in virtual chassis both devices run in stacked
   config and act as single device while routing engine of primary/master EX
   is used.
   3. In case of SRX only one device runs at a time and ports of other SRX
   (slave) do not access traffic at all as long as it see the master is up via

So keeping above points in mind, I did 6 cables connection between EX and
SRX. On SRX side all 6 ports belong to same reth bundle (3 on SRX-0 and 3
on SRX-1). On Ex side configuration is in a way to use two ae bundles. If
we use same ae bundle for all 6 ports then problem comes up as a % of
traffic will hit SRX-1 (slave/secondary) and would be trashed which is not
desired. Hence we need to make two ae bundles as say ae1 and ae2. One
bundle goes towards one SRX (say master SRX-0) and other bundle goes
towards other SRX-1. Ports in ae1 and ae2 can be distributed across
multiple Ex to ensure redundancy.

So setup can work as:

EX-0 >> 2 patches >> SRX-0
EX-1 >> 2 patches >> SRX-1

Ex-0 >> 1 patch >> SRX-1
Ex-1 >> 1 patch >> SRX-0

Now all ports on Ex towards SRX0 go in ae1 and SRX1 go in ae2.

Thanks everyone for help and inputs. Have a good weekend ahead!

On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 3:52 AM, Hugo Slabbert <h...@slabnet.com> wrote:

> I just want to confirm your setup.
> The "criss-cross" setup you were describing is different from what I
> described.
> You listed:
>  > EX0 (ae1) >> Two Patches to SRX0 (reth1)
>>>>>>> > EX0 (ae1) >> One patch to SRX1 (reth1)
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > EX1 (ae2)  >> Two Patches to SRX1 (reth1)
>>>>>>> > EX1 (ae2)  >> One patch to SRX0 (reth1)
> ...meaning that your AEs cannot survive losing either one of the EX VC
> members, and you're splitting each AE's connectivity across the two SRX
> chassis cluster members.  You need to dedicate an AE to an SRX chassis
> cluster member.
> IOW: ae18 should have one LAG member on EX0 and one member on EX1, and
> both of those physical ports go to SRX0.  Likewise, ae20 should have one
> LAG member on EX0 and one member on EX1, and both of those physical ports
> go to SRX1.
> When you shut one of the AEs (e.g. ae18) in the setup I describe, you
> *will* lose connectivity to its corresponding SRX, as those are
> fate-sharing.  You would need to configure interface monitoring on the
> chassis cluster to flip over the primary to 2nd SRX in order to survive
> that, since the second AE (ae20) that is tied to the 2nd SRX is still up.
> Your failure modes are:
> e.g. 1: lose an EX, you lose the throughput that's being contributed to
> the AE by that VC member's ports, but both SRXs remain available and the
> primary shouldn't flip (provided your node priorities and
> interface-monitoring weights are set accordingly).
> e.g. 2: shut an AE (which spans both EX VC members), one SRX goes dark
> since you've killed the AE that's dedicated to it, and the primary will
> need to flip (either through interface monitoring or manually) in order for
> the setup to remain online.
> --
> Hugo
> On Fri 2015-Apr-03 02:41:35 +0530, Anurag Bhatia <m...@anuragbhatia.com>
> wrote:
>  Hi
>> Tried exactly same. Note: it's ae18 and ae20 on EX side and reth4 on SRX
>> side.
>> Initially worked but when I took down ae18, i.e ae18 is disabled, now on
>> ae20 I am getting:
>> show interfaces ae20
>> Physical interface: ae20, Enabled, Physical link is Up
>>  Interface index: 533, SNMP ifIndex: 924
>>  Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, Speed: 2Gbps, BPDU Error: None,
>> MAC-REWRITE Error: None, Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled,
>>  Flow control: Disabled, Minimum links needed: 1, Minimum bandwidth
>> needed: 0
>> on reth4 on SRX I am getting:
>> show interfaces reth4
>> Physical interface: reth4, Enabled, Physical link is Down
>>  Interface index: 132, SNMP ifIndex: 696
>> Any idea why so? All physical ports are up (none is shut) and only thing
>> which I shut is one of ae bundles. Also rather then disabling ae18 if I
>> disabled associated physical ports behavior is just the same i.e reth4
>> goes
>> down.
>> Thanks for your time and help!
>> On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 12:25 AM, Hugo Slabbert <h...@slabnet.com> wrote:
>>  Putting the EXs in a VC and splitting your AEs across the 2x VC members
>>> takes care of that.
>>> EXVC  (ae1)  >> Two Patches to SRX0 (reth1)
>>> EXVC  (ae2)  >> Two Patches to SRX1 (reth1)
>>> ...where EXVC is a VC composed of EX0 and EX1, and ae1 and ae2 both have
>>> one member interface from each VC member.
>>> In a failure of EX0 or EX1, your throughput on ae1 and ae2 halves as they
>>> each lose a LAG member, but both SRX0 and SRX1 are still reachable.
>>> --
>>> Hugo
>>> On Thu 2015-Apr-02 23:50:46 +0530, Anurag Bhatia <m...@anuragbhatia.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>  Hi
>>>> Yes,
>>>> Since SRX0 connected to EX0 and SRX1 connected to EX1 (only). Thus
>>>> either
>>>> pair - 0 will work or pair - 1 will work. I wish if criss crossing
>>>> worked
>>>> then failure of one EX would have still made both SRX available.
>>>> In current worst case scenario - failure of EX0 and SRX1 can cause full
>>>> outage.
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 9:21 PM, Hugo Slabbert <h...@slabnet.com> wrote:
>>>>  In:
>>>>>  > EX0  (ae1) >> Two Patches to SRX0 (reth1)
>>>>>  > EX1   (ae2)  >> Two Patches to SRX1 (reth1)
>>>>>>>   with:
>>>>>  > that if one EX goes down then I cannot make use of other
>>>>> corresponding
>>>>>  SRX.
>>>>>>>   Do you mean that e.g. if SRX0 is the chassis cluster primary and
>>>>>> EX0
>>>>> goes
>>>>> down, then you can't use SRX0, but you would like to be able to survive
>>>>> EX0
>>>>> going down *without* failing over the SRX chassis cluster to SRX1?
>>>>> --
>>>>> Hugo
>>>>> On Thu 2015-Apr-02 20:47:03 +0530, Anurag Bhatia <m...@anuragbhatia.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>  Hi
>>>>>> I thought cross chassis lag is supposed by the use of reth bundled at
>>>>>> SRX
>>>>>> end. I read this is basically the major difference in reth Vs ae
>>>>>> bundle
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> SRX.
>>>>>> Interesting factor here is that ae bundles can spread across multiple
>>>>>> EX
>>>>>> chassis in a virtual chassis environment but this cannot be the case
>>>>>> with
>>>>>> ae bundles in SRX.
>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>> On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 7:59 PM, Bill Blackford <bblackf...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>  It's my understanding that a cross chassis LAG is not supported. If
>>>>>> there
>>>>>>  is a way, I'm not aware of it. I'm running the same set up as your
>>>>>>> working
>>>>>>> example in my locations and for now, this suits my requirements.
>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>> > On Apr 2, 2015, at 07:12, Anurag Bhatia <m...@anuragbhatia.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Hello everyone!
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > I have got two Juniper EX series switches (on virtual chassis) and
>>>>>>> two
>>>>>>> SRX
>>>>>>> > devices on native clustering.
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > I am trying to have a highly available redundancy between them with
>>>>>>> atleast
>>>>>>> > 2Gbps capacity all the time but kind of failing. I followed
>>>>>>> Juniper's
>>>>>>> > official page here
>>>>>>> > <http://kb.juniper.net/InfoCenter/index?page=content&id=KB22474>
>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>> well as
>>>>>>> > this detailed forum link here
>>>>>>> > <
>>>>>>> http://forums.juniper.net/t5/SRX-Services-Gateway/Best-way-
>>>>>>> of-redundancy-between-SRX-and-EX/td-p/181365
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > .
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > I wish to have a case where devices are connected criss cross and
>>>>>>> following
>>>>>>> > the documentation I get two ae bundles in EX side and one single
>>>>>>> reth
>>>>>>> > bundle on SRX side. Both ae bundles on EX side have identical
>>>>>>> configuration
>>>>>>> > and VLAN has both ae interfaces called up.
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > If I do not go for criss cross connectivity like this:
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > EX0  (ae1) >> Two Patches to SRX0 (reth1)
>>>>>>> > EX1   (ae2)  >> Two Patches to SRX1 (reth1)
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Then it works all well and redundancy works fine. In this case as
>>>>>>> long
>>>>>>> as 1
>>>>>>> > out of 4 patch is connected connectivity stays live but this has
>>>>>>> trade
>>>>>>> off
>>>>>>> > that if one EX goes down then I cannot make use of other
>>>>>>> corresponding
>>>>>>> SRX.
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > If I do criss connectivity, something like:
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > EX0 (ae1) >> Two Patches to SRX0 (reth1)
>>>>>>> > EX0 (ae1) >> One patch to SRX1 (reth1)
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > EX1 (ae2)  >> Two Patches to SRX1 (reth1)
>>>>>>> > EX1 (ae2)  >> One patch to SRX0 (reth1)
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > In this config system behaves very oddly with one ae pair (and it's
>>>>>>> > corresponding physical ports) working well while failover to other
>>>>>>> ae
>>>>>>> > bundle fails completely.
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > I was wondering if someone can point me out here.
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Appreciate your time and help!
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > --
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Anurag Bhatia
>>>>>>> > anuragbhatia.com
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > Linkedin <http://in.linkedin.com/in/anuragbhatia21> | Twitter
>>>>>>> > <https://twitter.com/anurag_bhatia>
>>>>>>> > Skype: anuragbhatia.com
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> > PGP Key Fingerprint: 3115 677D 2E94 B696 651B 870C C06D D524 245E
>>>>>>> 58E2
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Anurag Bhatia
>>>>>> anuragbhatia.com
>>>>>> Linkedin <http://in.linkedin.com/in/anuragbhatia21> | Twitter
>>>>>> <https://twitter.com/anurag_bhatia>
>>>>>> Skype: anuragbhatia.com
>>>>>> PGP Key Fingerprint: 3115 677D 2E94 B696 651B 870C C06D D524 245E 58E2
>>>> --
>>>> Anurag Bhatia
>>>> anuragbhatia.com
>>>> Linkedin <http://in.linkedin.com/in/anuragbhatia21> | Twitter
>>>> <https://twitter.com/anurag_bhatia>
>>>> Skype: anuragbhatia.com
>>>> PGP Key Fingerprint: 3115 677D 2E94 B696 651B 870C C06D D524 245E 58E2
>> --
>> Anurag Bhatia
>> anuragbhatia.com
>> Linkedin <http://in.linkedin.com/in/anuragbhatia21> | Twitter
>> <https://twitter.com/anurag_bhatia>
>> Skype: anuragbhatia.com
>> PGP Key Fingerprint: 3115 677D 2E94 B696 651B 870C C06D D524 245E 58E2


Anurag Bhatia

Linkedin <http://in.linkedin.com/in/anuragbhatia21> | Twitter
Skype: anuragbhatia.com

PGP Key Fingerprint: 3115 677D 2E94 B696 651B 870C C06D D524 245E 58E2

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