
The price for IPv4 is about $10 per address. I do not expect that to become
much more expensive in the short term, especially not in the Arin region
where there is such abundance of allocated address space that could be
freed for a quick dime.

So is $10 one time fee for new users too much?

We are a young network in the RIPE region and we have had to buy most of
our address space. We had the first 1024 for free as that is the RIPE
policy. Our strategy is to buy what we need, but use the space as efficient
as possible. Users are on a shared subnet (a /32 per user) instead of a /30
per user etc.

I believe the other sane option is dual stack with carrier nat. You can
sell non-NAT access at a premium.

We decided against the NAT option because it is seen as inferior by the
users and because it is not free either. Instead of spending money on
buying address space, you will spend it on NAT servers. You will also have
more fun with denial of service attacks killing your NAT server etc.

The high tech solution is stuff like MAP where you move the cost out to the
CPE. But then you need to control the CPE - if you have that then great.
You would still want to sell a non-NAT (and MAP is NAT) to users that
require a public IPv4 address, so you still need to go dual stack or use
some tunnelling for that.

That's my 2c.



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