On Wed, 10 Jun 2015 17:56:10 -0400, "George, Wes" said:

> WG] I made reference to it in a previous message, but since the question
> was repeated, I'll assume that was missed and repeat the answer. The
> hypervisor folks seem to have figured this out so that it "just works"
> without NAT, using virtual interfaces that have their own unique MAC
> addresses so that they look like unique hosts to the network/DHCP server.
> I'm using it on my FreeNAS (BSD) box at home with jails, and KVM supports
> it, so chances are it wouldn't even be that hard to incorporate into
> Android.

It only "just works" if your upstream device doesn't check/care that
you're emitting multiple MAC addresses from the same device.

Also, it assumes that some moral equivalent of proxy arp is available.

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