> From: Mikael Abrahamsson
> Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 12:05 AM
> You seem to fail to realise that you are not Lorenzos customer, his
> customer is the OEMs that build mobile phones, and their customers who buy
> Android phones.

And he fails to realize that the people who buy android phones actually want
them to work. And the companies manufacturing android phones want their
users to be satisfied. And when every single mobile phone other than an
android phone does seem to work, who do you think they're going to blame? I
can already tell you our helpdesk response "Unfortunately, the android
operating system does not fully implement IPv6 standards and as such is not
capable of interoperating with our network. Consider switching to an iPhone,
or a Windows Phone, or a [every other phone that works]."

> So while you are doing what you think is best for your network, Lorenzo is
> doing what he thinks is best for his platform and the hundreds of millions
> of Android users that are out there.

I am sure all of those millions of users sleep better at night knowing that
omniscient and caring Lorenzo is looking out for their long-term interests
while denying them short-term usability.

> So I happen to agree with Lorenzo that a single IA_NA per device world is
> a crippled world. Lorenzo said he was willing to work on a document that
> creates a recommendation for certain minimum amount of IPv6 addresses per
> device and/or PD, so let's get that happening then?

How about we support existing already widely deployed Internet standards so
they can be used while future standards are being developed?

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