There have been suggestions that a key-per-AS is easier to manage than a 
key-per-router, like in provisioning.

Key-per-router was brought up as providing the means to excise one misbehaving 
router that is in some risky sort of environment, which is a different 
management pain.

In terms of security, from outside the AS, you are basing your decisions on 
your trust in the AS in the key-per-AS case, and you are basing your decisions 
on your trust in the AS that certified the router in the key-per-router case.

The local operator's environment and policy rule in choosing the technique.

The draft draft-ietf-sidr-bgpsec-ops-05 says:

   A site/operator MAY use a single certificate/key in all their
   routers, one certificate/key per router, or any granularity in


On Jun 10, 2015, at 9:17 AM, "Russ White" <> wrote:

>> rtfm.  bgpsec key aggregation is at the descretion of the operator.
>> they could use one key to cover 42 ASs.
> I've been reading the presentations and the mailing lists, both of which
> imply you should use one key per router for security reasons. I would tend
> to agree with that assessment, BTW. 
> Russ 

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