> We're in the beginning steps of bringing up IPv6 at the fairly large
> university where I work. We plan to use DHCPv6 rather than SLAAC for a
> variety of reasons. One of our guys recently noticed that Android has no
> support for DHCPv6, and a rather odd issue thread discussing it:
> https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=32621
> It looks like one developer simply refuses to implement it because if he
> did there might be a scenario where somebody might not be able to tether
> 8-/? His attitude is that you have to use SLAAC and RDNSS, which we're
> just not going to do. At this point I guess Android devices just won't
> work with IPv6 on our network, and we'll suggest they complain to their
> vendor and/or get a different phone.
> I was just curious what this forum might think of that design decision
> and the discussion on the issue thread.

LC still has true religion.  dump android.

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