I don't quite see why you would want to use a tuneable 1G optic now days. 
Generally people use coloured optics to either increase the capacity they can 
push down a Dark Fibre or to interconnect with a DWDM OTN. In days past using 
different wavelengths for traffic separation would be not unheard of but in 
today's world there are many better ways of doing that. The use of tuneable 
optics reduces sparing and complexity but it is a very difficult and expensive 
manufacturing task and I can understand why no manufacturer would bother with 
1G as that seems like a very small market. If you really want 1G there are 
plenty of CWDM fixed optics available. If you need more capacity, well really 
10G is not at all expensive now days. If you want traffic separation then use 
MPLS. If you have old 1G only switches, well, you know the answer to that.

My 2c

-----Original Message-----

I believe nobody actually answered the original question: is there any tunable 
SFP module available. Notice the lack of a + in that statement. The datasheets 
for modules cited in this thread are all 10G modules with minimum speed of 
8.5G. Nothing that will work at 1G.

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