Hello. I work with digitalocean "droplets" or virtual machines for my
home business. While great for running cheap websites and server
applications, I have noticed recently that I keep getting issues with my
other VPN droplet I setup.
Firstly, I kept getting blocked by google, it claims automated queries.
I don't browse google too often..
Also had an issue with outbound mail on another droplet.
Now I'm blocked by... Pizzahut.com
Can't order a pizza over my VPN.
One might think that there is some virus, but I assure you, there is
not, Ive ran tcpdum captures and realtime captures for wireshark, I
don't notice any other traffic other then the traffic I initiate by
browsing, or doing a few search terms.
And I've always paid for my pizza order!
Is any one else experiencing issues like this? is there something I'm
missing, I have no idea but the pizzahut thing has got me very irked.