William Herrin <b...@herrin.us> writes:

> Isn't it against the NEC and the fire code to stack power strips? We
> all do it, but isn't it against code?

Sorry to be late to the party (I plead vacation), but no, afaik it is
not.  About as close as the NEC comes art 400.8 - you can't use
flexible cord as a substitute for permanent wiring (think of some of
the shenanigans you've seen with extension cords standing in for NM or
MC on thereifixed.com or similar sites).

Rack wiring is not "permanent", but I would not go so far as to claim
it is subject to the "qualified personnel" rules (OSHA subpart S and
NFPA 70E).  Datacenter workers who could pass a test on LOTO
procedures and routinely utilize proper PPE (even gloves, safety
glasses, and steel toe shoes) are the exception rather than the rule.

As always, when someone asserts that "X is against code" whether in
the form of a statement or a question, the proper response is
"Citation, please!"


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