----- Original Message ----- From: "Scott Weeks" <sur...@mauigateway.com>
--- n...@border6.com wrote: From: Pawel Rybczyk <n...@border6.com> platform where we included new feature called That might be interesting for you. ------------------------------------------- This might be interesting for you. https://www.nanog.org/list Please read #5 before going further. Product Evangelist -------------------------------------- BLECH! I need a shower. ----------------------------------- --- na...@ics-il.net wrote: From: Mike Hammett <na...@ics-il.net> Seems like a perfectly good post to me. Someone made an inquiry as to how to solve a particular problem There were multiple solutions presented. Pawel posted relevant, on-topic information regarding how his product could solve the problem in a unique way. No harm, no foul. ------------------------------ You've obviously never been hounded by sales folks scraping this list that believe they should never give up. It's painful to say the least. If every "Product Evangelist" were allowed to do this, NANOG would be a nightmare. The only answer many times is to be sure you don't buy from "Product Evanglists" that post their crap on NANOG. Hit them where it hurts (no sales because they did that) and they stop. Quickly. To others out there thinking of doing the same, again I say Please read #5 https://www.nanog.org/list scott