On May 27, 2015 at 14:22 jo...@iecc.com (John R. Levine) wrote: > > The OP was correct, if they can send you your cleartext password then > > their security practices are inadequate, period. > > > > Unless I misunderstand what you're saying (I sort of hope I do) this > > is Security 101. > > As I've said a couple of times already, but perhaps without the capital > letters, from a security point of view, generating a NEW PASSWORD and > sending it in cleartext is no worse than sending you a one time reset > link. Either way, if a bad guy can intercept your mail, you lose. > > A few moments' thought will confirm this has nothing to do with the way > passwords are stored within the mail system's database.
Sure, I agree, but that's not what the post I was responding to was discussing so caps wouldn't make much difference. But only the link can be secured by asking a security question before first use. For the cleartext password an attacker only has to wait for you to answer the question and hope you don't immediately change the password. I suppose asking a question on first use of a new cleartext password AND forcing you to change that password immediately is about the same as the link, particularly if it doesn't let you use that same password. But storing cleartext passwords, encrypted or not, is a bad and indefensible practice. I remember a common dial-up login protocol which required the server to encrypt initial interaction with the customer's password so you absolutely had to have their cleartext password if they were ever to log in again. What was it, PAP or CHAP or something like that. Ugh, we resisted that. -- -Barry Shein The World | b...@theworld.com | http://www.TheWorld.com Purveyors to the Trade | Voice: 800-THE-WRLD | Dial-Up: US, PR, Canada Software Tool & Die | Public Access Internet | SINCE 1989 *oo*