As a small ISP, I'll peer with everybody possible. ;-) It's mostly about cost, 
but the quality goes up as well. Some of the people we're working with saw an 
increase in consumption the moment they joined IXes. The quality of the 
connections improved, so the streaming video (assumed) was able to flow at a 
higher bit-rate. 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 

Midwest Internet Exchange 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Rafael Possamai" <> 
To: "James Bensley" <> 
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 7:40:23 AM 
Subject: Re: Peering and Network Cost 

James, curious to know... what size ISPs are they? In the last few years 
with the larger ones it has always been about lowering cost and increasing 
revenue, which throws the original idea of peering out the window (unless 
you are willing to pay). 

On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 4:52 AM, James Bensley <> wrote: 

> On 17 April 2015 at 16:53, Justin Wilson - MTIN <> wrote: 
> > Peering and peering on an exchange are two different things. Peering at 
> an exchange has several benefits other than the simple cost of transit. If 
> you are in a large data center which charges fees for cross connects a 
> single cross connect to an exchange can save you money. 
> > 
> > Peering can also be a sales tool. If you buy from a VOIP provider and 
> are peered with them your latency and such will go down. You also have 
> more control over the QOS over that peer. This can be spun into marketing. 
> > 
> > Not to toot our own horn but we put together a list of benefits for our 
> IX customers: 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Also, a good article at: 
> > 
> I also have a similar working document that I'd welcome feedback on to 
> improve; 
> I've used it once to help an ISP evalutate peering and started them in 
> the world of public peering. I'm now going through that proces again 
> with another ISP and again they will start public peering soon, having 
> used this doc in both cases as an intro/FAQ for them. 
> Cheers, 
> James. 

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