I would like to share something with you today.

As you know, IETF LMAP [1] is making efforts to standardize large-scale
measurements to allow divergent measurement platforms to converge towards
interoperability. Early discussions within this group often lead to folks
asking for feature sets and possibilities of each contemporary performance
measurement platform. So we started digging literature work in this space and
found that although there were surveys on topology-based measurement platforms
(such CAIDA Ark et al.); literature work on performance measurement platforms
(such as RIPE Atlas, SamKnows et al.) was missing.

Therefore, we started writing such a survey in 2013 to plug this gap and also
complement this with current state of IETF standardization efforts happening
within the LMAP and IPPM working groups.

This work got published and came online recently.
I thought would share this with you:

A Survey on Internet Performance Measurement Platforms and Related 
Standardization Efforts
Vaibhav Bajpai, Jürgen Schönwälder
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials
April, 2015

A number of Internet measurement platforms have emerged in the last few years.
These platforms have deployed thousands of probes at strategic locations
within access and backbone networks and behind residential gateways. In this
paper we provide a taxonomy of these measurement platforms on the basis of
their deployment use-case. We describe these platforms in detail by exploring
their coverage, scale, lifetime, deployed metrics and measurement tools,
architecture and overall research impact. We conclude the survey by describing
current standardization efforts to make large-scale performance measurement
platforms interoperable.

Author Copy:



Best, Vaibhav

Vaibhav Bajpai

Research I, Room 91
Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (CNDS) Lab
School of Engineering and Sciences
Jacobs University Bremen, Germany

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