You could try cross posting to UKNOG since BT use Huawei in their DSLAMs.
On 7 May 2015 21:18, "ML" <> wrote:

> On 5/7/2015 2:25 PM, Daniel Corbe wrote:
>> Colton Conor <> writes:
>>  The other thread about the Alcatel-Lucent routers has been pleasantly
>>> delightful. Our organization used to believe that Juniper, Cisco, and
>>> Brocade were the only true vendors for carrier grade routing, but now we
>>> are going to throw Alcatel-Lucent into the mix.
>>> ZTE and Huawei, the big chinese vendors, have also been mentioned to us.
>>> I
>>> know there are large national security issues with using these vendors in
>>> the US, but I know Level3 and other large American vendors use Huawei and
>>> ZTE in their networks.
>>> How do their products perform? How are they compared to Cisco and Juniper
>>> on the performance side of the house? Is their pricing really half or
>>> less
>>> of that of Cisco and Juniper? Is it worth using these vendors or not
>>> worth
>>> the hassle?
>> I don't know much about Huawei but be wary of ZTE's claims.  They love
>> their vendor lock-in.  They have a bad habit of giving away hardware for
>> next to nothing and then ratcheting up support costs.
>> Opex needs to be a consideration when selecting an equipment vendor as
>> well as capex.
> 2nd hand information:
> Apparently the NMS for ZTE's GPON gear is an ugly contraption.
> When upgrades are needed:
> "we have to deploy a series of convuluted batch files"
> "and it has to be installed in the directory that whatever they installed
> it to in China"
> "paths are hardcoded in the app"
> Hopefully there is no crossover into ZTE's other products.

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