In general there are very few bad actors here in regards to
trusting/accepting/using DSCP across the internet.

Apple has a tendency to mark some traffic with EF that shouldn't be EF on
PNIs, and Cogent leaks a lot of their internal markings into customers, but
it's generally unmarked traffic from certain customers/peers. Other than
that IMHO it's totally valid to accept, and nobody abuses it (other than
those 2).

We accept DSCP from the internet and do queue a few things higher towards
customers for things like OTT VoIP etc.

Remarking DSCP is bad IMHO, trusting it is another thing. You just have to
be careful, and I suggest good netflow tools to keep an eye on it.
On May 5, 2015 5:30 PM, "Ramy Hashish" <> wrote:

> Good day all,
> A simple question, does Internet trust IP DSCP marking? Assume two ASs
> connected through two tier 1 networks, will the tier one networks trust any
> DSCP markings done from an AS to the other?
> Thanks,
> Ramy

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